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Dr. Rodney Leggett

Dr. Rodney Leggett was born in Alexandria, Louisiana. At the age of five, Dr. Leggett accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and was baptized by the late Rev. W. R. Drummer at the Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church in San Francisco. Dr. Leggett preached his first sermon on September 22, 1993 entitled “Jesus is the Light of the World” John 8:12. The Lord allowed him the opportunity to study, learn and assist Pastor Phillip Drummer of the Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church in the work of the ministry. It was under Pastor Drummer’s direction and tutelage that Dr. Leggett gained insight into the commitment, sacrifice and obedience to the Lord in which leaders must serve.

In October 2000, Dr. Leggett was called to pastor the New Spirit Missionary Baptist Church of Stockton, CA. As a new pastor, he faced many challenges and obstacles. He learned how to seek God’s face through prayer for guidance and direction in leading God’s people. In February 2003, he was led by the Lord to accept the call to pastor the Faith Fellowship Baptist Church in Vallejo, CA.

Under Dr. Leggett’s leadership, the church has impacted many lives through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. In 2012, under his leadership, Faith Fellowship was able to write and publish its first book entitled “40 Days 40 Nights Developing Intimacy with God”.

Dr. Leggett served as Moderator of the Progressive Baptist Missionary Education District Association (2007-2015), Regional Director for the Western States of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc in the areas of Disaster Preparedness & Management (2010-2014), President of the North Bay Ministers Union (2010-2015), Professor of Christian Counseling at Progressive Baptist Theological Seminary and Bible College (2010-2015), 3rd Vice President of the California State Baptist Convention (2012-2017) and current Board Member for La Clinica DE LA Raza.

On September 20, 2020, the Lord moved again in Dr. Leggett’s life leading him to accept the call to pastor the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church of San Francisco, CA. He is humbled and honored to return to San Francisco to make a difference in the lives of others by preaching and teaching God’s Word.

Dr. Leggett has been married to Annette Leggett for 31 years and they are the proud parents of three adult sons; Rodney J. Leggett, Esq., Rashaad J. Leggett, and Rovone J. Leggett. When asked about his purpose, Dr. Leggett calmly states with a sense of urgency, “I am excited about doing Christ-centered ministry on purpose. My life goal is to Reach the lost with the word of God, Teach the Saved the word of God, and Release the Saints with the Word of God.”

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Rev. Damonn P. White, D.Min.

Damonn P. White was born and raised in San Francisco. He has been a member of Cornerstone for 14 years and has served on staff since 2014. He currently serves as Administrative Assistant to the Pastor to allow the pastor to be more effective in other areas of ministry work. Minister White’s job at Cornerstone comes with a variety of leadership roles: Co-Servant Leader of the Sunday School Ministry, New Membership Ministry and provides leadership and oversite to the Praise Dance Ministry, Youth Choir, and Youth Bible Study. He also takes on event/program oversite for a number of major events held during the year at The Stone, including the Hallelujah Festival, Youth Explosion, all funerals and hosted events with other churches and organizations. In past years, he has been responsible for obtaining funding for and providing direction over the church’s summer camp, which is part of The Stone’s non-profit called Building Bridges. Minister White sees himself as one of the spokes in the wheel that allows the congregation to run smoothly.

Minister White recently completed his Masters of Divinity degree at American Baptist Seminary of the West and will celebrate graduation this spring. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking and reading. Minister White is also a dedicated husband of 25 years to his wife Crystal Lyn White and father to his four children Jesse, Darae, Dejah and Kiana.

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Minister Zeondrae RoShawn

Zeondrae RoShawn has been recognized as a creative, talented individual from the time he was a small child.  He is an aspiring artist, who loves to sing, play, write, and produce music and theatrical dramas.  Minister RoShawn has written, directed, and performed in local plays such as:  “Hidden Secrets, “Amen Corner,” “The Recommendation,” “The Black Nativity” and “God’s Trying to Tell You Something.”  He currently serves on staff as the Minister of Music for Cornerstone.  This role includes overseeing the Music and Fine Arts Ministry, playing for and directing 2 choirs, and the Praise Team.  He also serves in an administrative role, organizing people and programs for the benefit of the church.  He is a Sunday School teacher, Youth and Adult Bible Study teacher, and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Linda Robinson

Linda A. Robinson’s career quest began in a corporate environment in accounting services for a number of years. She also worked within the non-profit sector as a Program Director. Since 2004, she has served on staff at Cornerstone as the Administrative Secretary. Administrative support is her specialty and she assists in various components and ministries within Cornerstone. Many years ago, Linda pursued her desire to enhance a dormant talent, which became evident as her creativity was unleashed as the owner and designer of Linda’s Exquisite Designs. She was a unique home-based artisan who customized handcrafted gift accessories for retail sale. In addition to being an excellent seamstress, Linda also taught craft classes. Linda is a native San Franciscan and a contented single woman.

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Paulette Spencer

Paulette has been a member at Cornerstone since 2004,  and has worked in both a volunteer and paid capacity for almost 13 years as the church’s receptionist. Among Paulette’s talents are performing in Cornerstone’s Christmas plays, and she has performed for the Bayview Opera House for many fundraisers. Paulette works closely with the Heritage Music Foundation’s Gospel Jewels.  She currently sings with the Voices of Cornerstone, and the Cornerstone children’s choir. She sits on the Advisory Board of the Potrero Hill Health Center, and she is also a member of the United Negro Women’s Council. She is the mother of an adult daughter and son, and she has four grandchildren, but is grandmother and auntie to many, many children. Her hobbies are too numerous to name, but she loves serving the Lord to the best of her ability.

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James Nelson                                                 

James Nelson is an experienced landscaper, handyman, and custodian. He is also a veteran of the United States Army. He has been a member at Cornerstone since 2006 and is a deacon in training. He has been married to his wife, Vera, for 5 years and is the father of 7. He is also a percussionist who currently plays for the Cornerstone music ministry.  He loves music and that the “end” of music is how it moves people.  He also loves to paint by number as a hobby. He is happy to report that after a 45-year drug addition, he has been clean and sober since 2005. His primary goal is to follow the Lord in all things.

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Troy Richard

Troy Richard is a 2017 graduate of City Arts and Technology High School in San Francisco. He has 2 younger brothers and was raised by his mother in a single parent home. He is currently attending San Francisco State University, majoring in Communications/Film. He plans to graduate in 2021 and work as a director someday. He works as a part time custodian at Cornerstone. In his spare time he loves to play guitar and “chill.”